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Leap Year 2008 January 20, 2008

Posted by Joanne Eve Fraelic - PsychicChoices.com in Inspirational Messages.
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As this New Year unfolds we can’t help but feel a “leaping forward” into this magical and accelerating “leap year” of 2008.  Leap years are like 4 years in one passing all in the same year!  Try that one on for size; when it comes to our lessons, joys, processes and obstacles, you can bet they will be coming right at you, 4X FASTER than any other year!

But the up side is, come the end of this year, we will have moved forward 4X greater in the future than one year can possibly put us!  So throw away any rule books or past ways of dealing with anything, and be prepared to find new and improved methods and ways to sort through your lessons and experiences this year.  Just when you think you are on top of this wondrous “Leap Year” poof, you will be caught up in the whirlwind of CHANGE as you have never experienced change before.

We are in such accelerated fast speed forward in our evolutionary path of uncharted growth, that it seams pointless to try and understand or chart your progress, because time as we know it is beginning to morph or meld all into one space, void or endless energy and amazing possibilities are awaiting around every corner.  Forget the word or feeling “comfortable” this year, because just when you think you have figured it all out, POOF another doorway, direction, option or experience drops into view, intriguing your curiosity to explore the unknown.  This year is about complete infinite unknown patterns beginning, and testing the waters of life for us to stretch our comfort zones to explore new options and form new patterns or evolved ways of learning and exploring life.

The human race has explored life up until now, with somewhat familiar or defined patterns of learning and growth, which has served us all very well, until NOW!  We are entering times on earth that have amazing breakthrough patterns taking form, where we are learning to establish new ways of being and living which better match or are in synchronicity to our evolving and adapting bodies at so many levels.  These new times are expanding our potentials and awakening our inner cores to desire more to life than we have experienced so far.  These new times are establishing amazing possibilities which far exceed our expectations, desires, wants, needs and ultimate growth.  We are evolving into new times and forming patterns to help us connect and download the essence of true love and compassion for each and every one of us.

Love that knows no judgment, or criticism, or indifference but rather infinite acceptance of every opportunity to love each person we meet for exactly who they really are, and truly know, that is the greatest gift from every soul that we encounter in life.  The time is NOW for us to STOP resisting our human evolution forward, to enter into these new and wondrous times of breaking through old concrete ways of existing, into future times of remembering what it is to truly be HUMAN.  To just BE who we truly are, and respect one another equally and really know the sacred and Divine gift in that alone.  That can be enough in life and that can fulfill our every need.

These are the awakening times that we are stepping into this sacred and Divine “leap year” of 2008.  These new patterns and beliefs awakening now are meant to establish a new evolved way of being human, that defines how we love, why we need love and to be loved, and most of all opening ourselves to the ultimate connection of Divine Spirit everywhere and within us all.  This is the path of oneness our birthright as humans on earth, to ultimately love unconditionally and be loved unconditionally.  That is all we take with us when we leave this world and that is the most precious and sacred gift of all! Everything else that we experience in life are lessons and tools that assist us in reaching that ultimate human internal goal.

So as you step into this unchartered new world around you this “leap year” of 2008, know that you are truly blessed to have chosen to be an integral part of this master and sacred plan unfolding this sacred year.  Know that we humans are all connected to every soul that has come before us and every souls that is on earth now and you are also connected to every soul that will come in the future, all at the very same time!  It is through accepting our connectedness to all that is, that we will be able to come into alignment with truth, love and appreciation of our wondrous Universe unfolding all around us every moment always.  Cherish your loving relationships as they are the substance for your souls growth.
